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Günter Schumann - Tanzlehrbuch Argentinischer Tango 4413

Günter Schumann - Tanzlehrbuch Argentinischer Tango

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Günter Schumann

Tanzlehrbuch Argentinischer Tango

344 Seiten, Softcover, 2020


The research that preceded this textbook was remarkably extensive. The preliminary work on the history of tango alone comprises a three-page bibliography and took two years.

The section on history is divided into twelve chapters, followed by five chapters on the dance variations of the tango: the vals, the habanera as an introduction to the milonga, the milonga and the tango. For dancers, these are helpful and exciting chapters, and from here at the latest it becomes clear that the author comes from the classical dance teacher tradition. His love of teaching, which goes into detail and beyond, cannot be denied.

This is followed by 220 pages of dance technique, after which another 30 pages of basic technique are summarized. The effort for the 'practical' part is immense. Each figure is presented graphically in two or three different ways, plus explanatory text, plus step charts, plus figure combinations in some cases. The textbook is suitable for people who like to study a subject for a long time and intensively before putting it into practice. Without a doubt, I have to acknowledge the meticulous research and great effort that Günter Schumann and his colleague Sabine Kussin have put into this textbook.
(Reviewed by Ulrike Dömkes in Tangodanza 97 - 1.2024)


Günter Schumann - Tanzlehrbuch Argentinischer Tango

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