Publisher: Tangodanza : Medien
Responsible for the content: Olaf Herzog (V.i.S.v. § 5 TMG, V.i.S.d.P.)
Address: Tangodanza : Medien, Bahnhofstraße 48, 33602 Bielefeld
Phone: +49 (0)521.5213850
Fax: +49 (0)521.5213853
eMails: impressum(at) (You may contact us by using the contact form)
UstID: DE 204064135
ISSN: 1438-8847
Text: Alexander Ringler, Alexandra Kern, Andrea Konschake, Christina Korn, Christine Grunert, Christiane Raums, Olaf Herzog, Regina Latyschew, Birgit Hohaus and various authors. Articles written by an identified author do not necessarily display the opinion of the editorial office.
Pictures: Tangodanza archiv and various photographers and agencies. (all rights reserved)
Design & conception: Olaf Herzog
Realisation: Birgit Schmerzenreich
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