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El Cachivache Orkesta - Alguien Canto 5210

El Cachivache Orkesta - Alguien Canto

19,50 EUR 19 % VAT incl.
3-4 Days


El Cachivache Orkesta

Alguien Canto


For their tenth album, guest singers have been invited for each of the ten tracks. We hear, among others, Limón García, Black Rodríguez Méndez, Hernán 'Cucuza' Castiello, Ariel Varnerin, Martin Troncozo and - yes - Diego Maradona (with an older vocal contribution where the music has been added afterwards).
It is Vito Venturino (guitars), Pacha Mendea (double bass), Adriano de Vita (bandoneon) and Achi Deuz (piano) - and as a guest musician in one piece Franco Luciani (harmonica) - who give the songs of different composers and lyricists a musical garb that is worth listening to.
The boisterous punk has evaporated; the musicians are much more reserved than before and give the guests the necessary space to reinterpret their stories. In terms of expression, these are all different and each their own. It is a pleasure to listen to the songs again and again in a new way. For some it takes more time than for others..
(Rezension in Tangodanza 92 - 4.2022)
(Presentation of the orchestra in Tangodanza 68 - 4.2016)

(More CDs from El Cachivache)

Length: 33:06 Min.


01 Quiero verte una vez maz - Canto Chino Laborde - 3:44

02 Yo no se que me han hecho tus ojos - Canto Marisol Martinez & Franco Luciani - 4:51

03 Destempo - Canto Limon Garcia & Duo Damico De Vita - 2:52

04 Tu el cielo y tu - Canto Black Mendez - 2:53

05 Soñemos - Canto Eliana Sosa - 2:54

06 Trasnochando - Canto Cucuza Castiello - 3:40

07 Regin - Canto Dolores Sola - 3:19

08 Amarras - Canto Ariel Varnerin - 3:26

09 La Cicatriz - Canto Martin Troncozo - 2:29

10 El Sueño del pibe - Canto Diego Maradona - 2:08


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