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Dimitris Bronowski - Tangofulness (dt.) 4193

Dimitris Bronowski - Tangofulness (dt.)

19,90 EUR 7 % VAT incl.
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Dimitris Bronowski


162 pages, softcover, German edition


Dimitris Bronowski has a mission: to help millions of people experience more meaning in tango. As a former CEO in coaching and personal development, he knows how to reach a large number of people through social networks. And he has written a great book that can guide dancers on their journey to their own personal tango.
The author literally takes the readership on a journey of consciousness, diving deep into different aspects of tango. He wants to network, connect, encourage exchange. The author first advises to let go of expectations.
Ultimately, letting go here also means for him to withdraw oneself and to direct one's attention more to the well-being of the other and to the shared experience in the dance. Sensitively and with great curiosity, Dimitris Bronowski then illuminates 20 different levels of meaning in tango.
Whether embrace, music, silence or communication - each of these aspects offers an amazing research potential. Besides some 'aha-moments', one actually asks oneself again and again while reading: How do I actually experience this? This is exactly what Bronowski wants to achieve - and he succeeds effortlessly.
(Review in Tangodanza 95 - 4.2023).

This book is also available in English.



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