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Diana Garcia Simon - Gestrandete Dichtung 4403

Diana Garcia Simon - Gestrandete Dichtung

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Diana Gracia Simon

Gestrandete Dichtung. Politik und Humor im argentinischen Tango

150 pages, paperback, 2021, in german language


As a mediator of Argentine culture, the Abrazos publishing house has made authors such as Horacio Ferrer, Gloria and Rodolfo Dinzel, and Horacio Salas accessible to the German-speaking public.
Now, after an essay and a volume of stories, another book by the Argentine Diana Garcia Simon has been published: Stranded Poetry. Politics and Humor in Argentine Tango. In it, the novelist with a doctorate, who also lovingly illustrated the title, examines tango texts and "would like to read and comment on them like poems of the baroque or the avant-garde."
A commendable undertaking, given that in this country they are often dismissed as kitsch. Garcia Simon shows the cultural influences in authors such as Enrique Santos Discépolo, Celedonio Flores, Homero Expósito, Cátulo Castillo, Enrique Cadícamo or Homero Manzi: Antiquity, the Italian Renaissance, Spanish Baroque literature, French authors and the Art Nouveau poet Rubén Darío, all of them are sources of inspiration for the tango, are modified or parodied.
(Review in Tangodanza 93 - 1.2023).



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